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vim 키바인딩 보완 필요합니다

Durkhyun Cho hace 10 años actualizado por Chan-Su Shin (신찬수) hace 7 años 6
vim 키바인딩이 한타모드일 때 동작하지 않습니다.
1. 한타모드일 때로 동작하게 개선하거나,
2. esc 눌렀을 때 자동 영타모드로 변하도록 개선해야합니다.
이대로는 vim 키바인딩은 영어글 쓸 때밖에 소용이 없어요

Relative links to .md files

Tony G hace 8 años 0

I see other old topics like this but this might be an issue with the latest release, 0.13.1.

I cloned a wiki repo from GitHub. We have links like [Getting Help](Getting-Help).

When the repo is cloned the files get a .md extension. When clicking the link in Preview it shows the "Windows cannot find '....\Getting-Help'. I'm hoping that if it fails to find that file that it tries to find a similar name.md before giving up.



Open as tab?

Kinh Nguyen hace 10 años actualizado por Rhio Kim hace 10 años 1
Start Haroopad, File>Open/Open Recent will launch a new windows, leave the first window as blank - which is redundant.
It's better to open in its first windows or a new tab?

HTML 익스포트시 다음 세가지 버그가 자주 발생합니다

윤대웅 hace 9 años actualizado por Rhio Kim hace 9 años 4
- 애플리케이션 무응답
- 다른 창에 있는 파일을 익스포트하려고 함
- 아무 일도 벌어지지 않음 ^^;

정말 감사하게 잘 쓰고 있습니다.
Atom 처럼 폴더 트리구조까지 지원된다면 현재 진행되는 프로젝트에도 적극 추천하고 싶을 정도로
반해버렸습니다 ㅎㅎ
En revisión

please increase the display file directory function

兼哲 hace 9 años actualizado por Rhio Kim hace 9 años 1
as title

맥 사용중 한글 표현 문제

YKKim hace 10 años actualizado por Rhio Kim hace 9 años 3
한글로 글을 쓰면 표시가 안되다가 엔터나 스페이스 혹은 기타 특수문자를 써 줘야 표시가 됩니다.
구름입력기와 OSX 기본 입력기 모두 같은 문제가 발생하네요

Live view +/-5 reversed

Uggy hace 10 años actualizado por Rhio Kim hace 10 años 2
Windows 7 v0.10.0
When I select "Live view width +5% " The live view (HTML rendered part ?) is decreased of 5% . From my understanding of what is the "live view" I guess +5% should increase it :)
Same thing for -5% ;)

How to use line number in code block syntax

Jaemin Kim hace 9 años actualizado por Rhio Kim hace 9 años 2
I can't check Use line number in code block syntax.

Image 18
En revisión

about table colspan & rowspan

Ninstein hace 10 años actualizado por Markus Vedder hace 10 años 2
Image 13

relative image sources in presentation mode

M R hace 9 años actualizado por Rhio Kim hace 9 años 3
somehow the presentation mode only works with absolute linked images (local or web), but not with relative paths like ![](/path/to/img)  while in live preview all paths are shown to work.