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Style toolbar, in-place table editor, doc template

SongTao Chi 8 років тому 0

I want to introduce haroopad as product document editor for our team. Is there any way to add some WYSIWYG features like style toolbar, table editor, doc template, just like what CuteMarkEd do

Under review

*.md 파일을 클릭했을 때 화면이 뜨지 않는 문제 (Windows10.1067.14367.0)

David Hwang (Seung-man) 8 років тому оновлений 8 років тому 2

*.md 파일을 클릭하면 아무런 반응이 없습니다.

*.md 파일이 haroopad.exe와 연결되도록 했습니다.

작업관리자를 확인해 보면 두개의 프로세스가 떠 있습니다. 한 번 실행시켜도 매 번 두 개가 뜨네요.

Image 52

프로세스를 끝내고 다시 실행해도 마찬가지입니다.

그러나 시작화면이나 바탕화면 아이콘을 통해 실행시키면 정상작동합니다.

파일 연결에 문제가 있는 걸까요??

설치프로그램: v0.13.1-x64.msi

실행환경 : Windows10.1067.14367.0 / 64bit / ko


Image uri problem

bluelovers 8 років тому 0

this will fail

![enblensmask.png](C:\Program Files (Game)\TESV\Skyrim\enblensmask.png)

should be like this or more encode char

![enblensmask.png](C:\Program Files %28Game%29\TESV\Skyrim\enblensmask.png)


and this no more open source?


Cannot use Alt to activate menu bar

Perqin 8 років тому 0

It will be great if the menu items can be activated by Alt hot keys, just like other applications on Windows.


win 10 always reset to the default size and position when i put the editor standby the edges

314017427 8 років тому 0

Smart dash not quite smart

Yongwei Wu 8 років тому 0

According to https://daringfireball.net/projects/smartypants/:

SmartyPants can perform the following transformations:
  • Straight quotes ( " and ' ) into “curly” quote HTML entities
  • Backticks-style quotes (``like this'') into “curly” quote HTML entities
  • Dashes (“--” and “---”) into en- and em-dash entities
  • Three consecutive dots (“...”) into an ellipsis entity

This does not seem the immplementation in Haroopad. Specifically, "--" becomes the em-dash, and I do not see how to generate an en-dash.

I think the described behaviour is quite standard now—my existing MarkDown files contain such dashes and are rendered well.

So I guess Haroopad should be fixed. Agree?


Feature request for [code]

Yongwei Wu 8 років тому 0

WordPress supports an alternative syntax for code highlighting. It works better there, when the code includes backslashes. Its syntax is like:

[code language="cpp"]

// C++ code comes here


Is it possible that Haroopad can support this syntax? That would help WordPress users a lot.

Under review

"++" becomes underline?

Yongwei Wu 8 років тому оновлено Rhio Kim 8 років тому 1

I am looking for a good MarkDown editor, and so far haroopad looks very good. I do encounter one "undocumented" feature that is annoying to me: ++some text++ makes "some text" underlined. I do not find this syntax defined in MarkDown, and Haroopad does not seem to provide an option for this behaviour.

I am a C++ developer. So, needless to say, this is especially cumbersome to me.

Can we have a switch to turn off this feature?


Make the scrollbar thicker

Bill 8 років тому 0

You guys have a great editor here, but for the love of God....please make the scroll bar thicker. I can't tell you how annoying this can be when going back and forth within a document; that thing is so paper thin that it's not as easy to "grab" as it should be. This is compounded when I'm mobile with my laptop and just have my mouse pad. Just make it similar to the way pretty much every other scroll bar in the world is. Thanks!


Haroopad bugs out when you open .md from dropbox

matt 8 років тому оновлений 8 років тому 0

When you open .md file directly from dropbox the haroopad just does nothing , then i check Windows tasks he just runs 2 or 3 instances but there is no windows anywhere it just sorta bugs out.