Under review

Doesn't load with language as French Canada (fr-ca) in OSX.

ranvel 10 years ago updated by Rhio Kim 10 years ago 3
If you try to load the app with the language set as French Canada, it creates an error. The user must change their language in order to load it.

Maybe use the OSX Fallback languages.

Following up on the above...

This is what you get when you try to run it from the command line:
[3063:0617/224950:WARNING:shell_main_delegate.cc(231)] fr-CA.pak file not found.
[3064:0617/224951:WARNING:shell_main_delegate.cc(231)] fr-CA.pak file not found.[3064:0617/224951:ERROR:breakpad_mac.mm(238)] Breakpad initializaiton failed
[3065:0617/224951:WARNING:shell_main_delegate.cc(231)] fr-CA.pak file not found.[3065:0617/224951:ERROR:breakpad_mac.mm(238)] Breakpad initializaiton failed
[3063:0617/224952:INFO:CONSOLE(50)] "Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected string", source: file:///var/folders/_y/l1srx1951zb2hfy5rg9jmsgh0000gp/T/.org.chromium.Chromium.r4zFuL/index.html (50)

Thanks for the reporting.
This is nw.js issue.
