Under review

docx and pandoc

梁泽岳 fa 10 anys updated by Rhio Kim fa 10 anys 1
I am so glad to discover Haroopad. It's amazing. I have 2 suggestions for it.

Have you thought about adding the functionality "Export to doc/docx"? Because not every one around me using Markdown so when I have to cooperate with them on one document, doc/docx is still the main method. At the moment, I copy all things in HTML generated into a doc. It can retrain the format but not extremely well. I think it will be more flexible if you add this functionality.

Otherwise, I am a engineering student and want to use Haroopad to write some scientific articles at school. I know Pandoc is more friendly to this usage. Can you think about it?

Well, at one word, Haroopad is already super cool! Thanks a lot and come on!

Best regards,

Zeyue Liang
Under review
Thanks for the suggestions.

Many user suggest the publishing, exporting and integrating with other system(like dropbox and own system).
Everything is great ideas for haroopad and markdown user,
In addition, pandoc is awesome solution for export to other formats.

So I am going to provide third-party environment.


Rhio Kim