
syntax highlight for list?

HC Haase 11 years ago updated by Wyprzedaze UK 4 years ago 11
is ist possible to get sytax highlight on list and bold (* , and **text**)
i see it in the screenshots but not in my text
Under review
Could you please explain it a little bit in detail with example?
hmm strange 
there was NON of this highlight yesterday, but after reboot today all is good.
ah found the "problem"
*[space] produce highlight
*[tab] no highlight (but output list, and more readable markdown code)
Are you talking about editor side?
It'll be fixed with next release. thanks for the waiting :-)
As you already know, If you have set tab width more than 4, it is block code syntax in markdown. So it's not possible. it is specification - http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax#precode

Nevertheless if you want it, you have to change the tab width less than 4.

Who would have thought it is so easy to resolve! Thanks.
Kody rabatowe Sephora

Thanks for sharing this solution to us! Telefony UK