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In mathjax, "\left(" and "\right)" can not display correctly.

CD Ma 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rhio Kim 9 aastat tagasi 8

GHFM seems to have emoji.. will haroopad have this anytime soon?

Kyuhun Lee 11 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rhio Kim 11 aastat tagasi 1

I wish haroopad had some emoji support.. blogs sometimes look nice with them

Not a bug

link is not working?

pathik shah 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rhio Kim 9 aastat tagasi 3

the word google should have a hyperlink to google.com but its not doing anything.
any suggestions please?

No code border style?

Andrew Lee 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rhio Kim 9 aastat tagasi 3
Why is the code border style removed in `code` ?

Would it be possible to add it like the ```block code```?

Preference for Scroll Sync

Michaël Memeteau 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Michael 8 aastat tagasi 2
Having the possibly to choose the anchor point where for sync scroll. Apparently the current implementation favors the bottom part of the screen. When reading or trying to modify a file, it's more relevant to have the top of the screen used for this...
Does it make sense for more people than just me?

Will be answered

Why is Quick Markdown tab expanded when hovered?

Jaemin Jo 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rhio Kim 9 aastat tagasi 1

When I hover the mouse cursor over the Quick Markdown tab, the tab is expanded horizontally and Editor & Viewer are shifted to the right.

This behavior is very annoying. Is there any reason why the Quick Markdown tab is expanded?


NVCtrl extension does not exist.

한힘찬 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rhio Kim 10 aastat tagasi 3
[16857:0724/143852:INFO:gpu_info_collector_x11.cc(80)] NVCtrl extension does not exist.

숫자 6을 입력하면 H6이 입력되는 버그가 있네요.

donghoon Yi 9 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rhio Kim 9 aastat tagasi 4
운영체제 : Linux Elementary OS (Ubuntu 12.04 기반 배포판)
사용버전 : 0.13.0

(당연히) 에디터에서 숫자 6만 입력하면 라인의 맨 앞에 ######이 붙습니다. 
첨엔 문법문제인가 하는데 계속 반복되네요.. 숫자 6만 그렇고 다른 숫자는 괜찮습니다.
맥버전에서는 없는 문제입니다...

수식의 사용량이 많아지면 화면 밀림.

Kyunghoon Kim 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rhio Kim 10 aastat tagasi 1
수식의 사용량이 많아지면 화면이 밀리는 것이 점점 커져서
왼쪽 코드 창과 오른쪽 미리보기 창이 완전히 맞지 않게 됩니다.

$$a^2$$의 사용이 이러한 차이를 유발하는 것 같습니다.
Tagasi lükatud

Code folding at headers

Fuzzy 10 aastat tagasi uuendaja Rhio Kim 10 aastat tagasi 3
It would be nice to fold the code down to manageable chunks, where you could hide or show a section with a keyboard shortcut, as in this demo on Vimcasts